Additional Comments
We appreciate the kind words that have been shared with us about Dr. Kerr's book and thought to share some of them:

          Thank you very much for alerting that the Dr Kerr's book The entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International law is out. We appreciate the chapter on the Central Tibetan Administration. We certainly hope that the book will go a long way in informing the international community about Tibet.

          With good wishes and much appreciation

Thubten (name redacted)

From: Diana Mandache's Weblog ~ Royal History (since 2008) at

          Dr. Stephen Kerr’s book “The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law” is one of those singular, path breaking works that throws new light on a field of study, in this case, as its title indicates, on the complex legal and philosophical sinews that keep alive monarchies, which through the upheavals of history, have lost their sovereign role. The volume is an excellent structured collection of ideas and interpretations, which brings in a logical and easy to follow manner multiple aspects of international law, history, and symbolism of monarchies in the special situation of deposed monarchs, the complex problematic surrounding their status and interaction with their home and host states and nations. This type of writing fills a huge gap within the royal studies field, more acute so as a series of monarchs were deposed and often reinstated during ferment periods that followed the great conflagrations of the 20th century.

          Dr. Stephen Kerr is most qualified to undertake the task of writing such a volume in the light of his experience as a professor of international public law and work as a special counsel to the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg. He magisterially expounds the multifaceted status of the deposed monarchs, which requires in depth knowledge of monarchic legal rights and principles, ranging from natural to international and constitutional law, rules and laws of succession, sovereign rights and legal responsibilities or political theory notions of divine right of kings. The sovereignty is the heart and soul of a monarchical institution, as much as the “the sovereign is the soul of society”. For all those legal rights and moral values the royal families have the right to be seen as fons honorum. This book is also a model to understanding the future of the monarchies, the values that stand at the foundation of the kingly rules and their functioning mechanisms.

          I highly recommend this first class writing that has relevance not only to those interested in royal studies, but also to the wider fields of history and legal studies. Diana Mandache

Dr. Mandache is an accomplished authority and historian on monarchy and royalty. Please see about the 31 books she has authored or contributed to.

          Kindly allow me to congratulate you on this monumental achievement. I would be interested in ordering the hardbound editions of both Volumes I & II.
          I look forward to receiving information regarding the same. In like manner, I have informed a number of Crown Princes from former Ruling Monarchies of these volumes.
Yours sincerely,

     Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic
     Spiritual Patron of the Centre for the Study of Orthodox Monarchism

          Thank you . . . the book is wonderfull . . . I am very interested.

Beste regardas from the Kingdom of Spain,

Dr. Juan Carlos Herrera Gómez

The following explanation and announcement was repeated or found on a few web pages about the book in general:

          The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law
Finally after four years of intense work, both volumes of Dr. Kerr's book, “The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law” is now on the Internet click here or go to:

          It is extremely rare that people interested in nobility and royalty fully understand or comprehend the legal right of the sovereign head of a deposed royal house to be a fons honorum with the lawful right to award honors and give special recognitions for merit. Nor do many know how to ensure that these sacred rights of authentic and true sovereignty are perpetuated. Such important and relevant legal realities will be addressed in great detail along with repeated examples based on historical, legal, and political precedents.

          To get an idea of the depth of the subject matter covered in this book and find areas of special interest, see the Table of Contents for Volume I and the Table of Contents for Volume II.

          Dr. Kerr has put together a remarkable book that could unify the whole field of nobility and royalty around the only subject upon which everyone could agree, that is, upon the need for the absolute rule of just laws.

          Dr. Kerr was a special international legal counsel to the junior Austrian Branch of the Habsburgs for the recovery of entailed House properties confiscated in 1939 by the Third Reich. He is presently in the process of devising a new legal theory for the recovery of these properties.

          The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law

          International law on deposed sovereignty has the answers that can solve the misinformation and confusion that exists in the field of nobility and royalty.

          I was thrilled and very happy to see that Dr Kerr's outstanding work is now published. . . .

Best regards,
Diane [name redacted]

Dr. Vujisic made the following assessment of the book and sent us a copy:

          The concept of sovereignty, and moreover, non-territorial sovereignty, is a highly complex, multifaceted, and confusing area of international law, and questions remain regarding the legitimacy of dynastic rights in the minds of many, especially those interested in the preservation and promotion of monarchy as the optimal form of government.

          Due to the general and pervasive misunderstanding of the rules and principles related to prescription, even the most sincere, well-intentioned, and honest supporters of monarchy, can oftentimes be confused, deceived, and hoodwinked by the myriad of counterfeit claims of royalty, nobility, and chivalry, and/or by the ensuing and related scams of ‘ennoblement’.

          These claims are often based upon the untenable presumption of the imprescriptibility of royal and noble title, which can be compared to the ubiquitous belief in Christendom regarding the indelible character of the priesthood, and moreover, the episcopacy.

          In both cases, these analogous paradigms have led to deliberations ad infinitum related to validity/invalidity, regularity/irregularity and/or legitimacy/illegitimacy of royal, noble, and priestly entitlement; reducing the discussion of the same to that of a senseless debate regarding some baneful relic of a bygone era.  

          Notwithstanding, rejecting the arguments that deposed monarchs, (and their governments in exile), should be viewed merely as discrepant phantasms of a long and bemused past, Dr. Kerr convincingly asserts in The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law, that sovereignty, the state, and territory can be conceptually disentangled, thereby establishing theoretical, logical, and legal constructs that support claims of entitlement to sovereignty that transcend the modern territorial state.

          The information that Dr. Kerr provides is crucial for those who support monarchy as an institution.

The Right Reverend Doctor Andrew Vujisic,

          Great work! Knowledge really is power. Prescription is the grand master key for dispossessed monarchies; and a very important section is "The Basic Identifiers of False Claims!"

Kind Regards,
Kenneth (name redacted)

          Thank you for a comprehensive, detailed exposition on nobility and royalty.  This book provides a refeshing, authoritative, legal analysis that is evidence based rather than being built on opinion. . . . Well done.

Sincerely, with high regard,
Susan Brown, BA, GN

          . . . It is very important for people to understand the implications and opportunities of present and former sovereign situations.

          . . . Having read a few of the chapters it is a magnificent work and should be treasured by all, both those influenced by active sovereign rule, and those of the past.

Again, thank you,

With best wishes,
Tasso George Christie, PhD, MBA

          "The Entitlement to Rule" is a must read for anyone, who seeks to understand the legal situation of deposed monarchies. It also presents, to some degree, an insight into the mind shared by many monarchists, when it comes to the shape of society or what conclusions they draw from the historical evolution of government. Readers get a glimpse of the entanglement of monarchy with religious and legal philosophy, that affected the creation of it`s legal foundation and how it impacted society. Therefore, monarchists and republicans alike will find this publication to be an invaluable source.

Marc Skubich, KGCGK

          My opinion on Dr. Stepen Kerr's book The Entitlement Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law is described below:

          It is a unique venture by Dr. Stephen Kerr collecting numerous facts and  situations in his book "The Entitlement Rule: Legal, Non-territorial Sovereignty in International Law." The author tries to explain the legal situations and sanctions of deposed monarchies in a more elaborate manner. The presentation is excellent and simple so that the reader can easily understand the concepts of various provisions of International Law.

          I admire the noble efforts of Dr. Stephen and am confident this book will brings lot of popularity and reputation to the author.

Dr. N. S. Ravishankar


          Thanks for the extensive research. There is a need for more work like this.

     Yours in truth and respect,

Nesw Neb Ka Ra


          The Most important book in the field of Nobility and Royalty! Thanks to authors!

 Joseph Bichikashvili


          I have read the "The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law" on line book several times and have it  "bookmarked" on my computer. The information contained in this exhaustive work goes well beyond the rule of nobles and royals and delves intimately into history. The historical origins of just how we live within the confines of nation states all the way through to the basis of today's international law concerning States and their actions. It is more than an interesting read but qualifies as a text book for those who don't let Universities stand in their way for a quality education in international law, the nation state, the history of legal royalty, the ruling class, non-territorial right to rule and just exactly what all that means.

          Each point made is referenced to documented works easily found for comparison. The work delves not just into the entitlement to rule, but brings out the histories and the rights to rule from before King David of Israel to the Pope and the Vatican. It provides vast amounts of documented histories where there are still remnants living today who have maintained their claim by the international and natural law of prescription and thus still have the supreme legal entitlement to rule. With the devotion and urging of a people these deposed royal houses can be restored.

          The work makes a very compelling case for monarchy, and were I in a position to create a nation state, it would be a monarchy. While the Entitlement to Rule does not delve into the aspects of creating a monarchy, there is a firm foundation for those who have the means to make that venture viable. This work is a great companion for the International Commission on Nobility and Royalty web site for those interested in the truth about royalty and nobility and just where modern man fits in the scheme of things. Both the Book and the web site leave you with the understanding that nobility is not something you can buy, nor can nobility really be inherited, it comes from a person’s character and their level of integrity.

          I, Timothy Lee Alexander MacNachten Sr. wholeheartedly endorse "The Entitlement to Rule: Legal, Non-Territorial Sovereignty in International Law" for those who really want to learn about the world they live in. This book really is an astounding and outstanding piece of writing.
